If you have been feeling sick lately and cannot shake the feeling, you may be suffering from Mycotoxin poisoning symptoms. This is a type of poison that certain types of fungi produce. These toxins can cause a wide variety of health problems and, in some cases, can be fatal. If you think you were exposed to mycotoxins, it is critical to seek medical help.

What are Mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins are toxic compounds that certain types of molds can produce. Usually, mold growth often occurs before or after harvest on various foods such as cereals and dried fruits. During storage, it is also possible to form if you keep food in warm conditions with high humidity levels. Therefore, fungal spores live comfortably in these conditions.

Mycotoxin Poisoning Symptoms

Mycotoxin poisoning symptoms are not something to be taken lightly. They can lead to serious health problems, including organ damage and death. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is critical to seek medical attention as soon as possible:

  • Difficulty with digestion
  • Damage to the immune system
  • Damage to the lungs.
  • Chronic fatigue
  • ADHD
  • Rashes
  • Depression

Mycotoxin poisoning is a serious health concern, and you should not ignore it. It is important that you understand that these toxins also affect your air quality. Sani Effect wants to make sure that to provide you with the best solutions to prevent Mycotoxin poisoning and to ensure you have the best air quality possible. 

How Can I Minimize the Risk of Mycotoxin Poisoning?

Mold growth is inevitable with food production, but you can control it by proper drying or storage. By ensuring that your grains are always at a safe distance from moisture, you reduce the risk of mycotoxin-producing molds growing on them and make sure they stay fresh longer! There are different ways to minimize the health risk from mycotoxins, including:

  • Inspect grains, dried figs, and nuts, which are usually contaminated with aflatoxins, for evidence of mold.
  • Discard anything that may look moldy.
  • Attempt to avoid damage to grains before and during drying and in storage. Damaged grains are more prone to invasion of mold, leading to Mycotoxin contamination.
  • Purchase fresh nuts and grains.
  • Store food properly, away from dry or warm areas free of insects.
  • Do not keep food for an extended period before you use it.
  • Ensure a diverse diet that will help reduce Mycotoxins exposure and improve your nutrition level.

You should keep all of these factors in mind so that you are less likely to feel any Mycotoxin poisoning symptoms. You can make sure your home or work area is free of these toxins by getting Sani Effect’s treatment. Call us at (772) 276-7264 to learn more.

Sani Effect Treatment to Prevent Mycotoxin Poisoning Symptoms

Sani Effect treatment is your solution to get rid of Mycotoxins. We have over 15 years of experience and use the latest cutting-edge technology NASA Space Certified Technology, to get the job done right. Contact us by calling Call (772) 276-7264.